The body lift reduces excess skin flaps on the abdomen, hips, buttocks and upper thighs and reshapes the body contour.
Massive excess skin on the lower half of the body can cause enormous physical strain. Bodylifting helps
Our surgical specialists at Rosenpark Clinic will provide you with expert advice and will develop an individual lift for you that corresponds to your requirements and wishes.
The body lift as an all-around body skin tightening procedure consists of several body lifting operations. To this end, abdominal tightening, aninner thigh lift and abuttock lift are combined as needed.
Two surgical appointments are frequently necessary for the body lift. Usually, the sagging skin on the buttocks and the outer thighs is tightened first while the patient is in the ventral position, after which the skin flaps on the abdomen and the inner thighs are removed while the patient is in the dorsal position. All incisions and sutures are made so that the scars can be hidden by the bikini or bathing suit later on.
The body lift is done under general anesthesia. For more information about your options for a comfortable, pain-free treatment see the anesthesia section.
We like to keep you at the clinic for at least two days after each surgery. You should take it easy for two weeks after the procedure – especially in order to prevent excessive stress on the sutures caused by friction.
You can find more information in our "Body shaping" information sheets, which you can request from us free of charge.
Are you interested in a no-obligation, personal consultation on body lifting at Rosenpark Klinik? We will be happy to schedule an appointment for you.